March 19, 2012

March 2012 IHSW

Here's my IHSW progress for this month. I stitched a lot more than I thought I would due to having a Kevin Smith movie marathon. =] I think I can say I'm finally half way done this piece.
Next update should see Charizard's head completed.


missy-tannenbaum said...

This project is going to be so amazing, and it's always cool to see a new update! I love how bright and cheerful the colors look, especially against the shade of fabric you picked! It's a spiffy sprite stitched really well, and I hope the rest of it goes nicely, too! (I've always wanted to stitch one of the Abysswolf sprites, but can never pick one!)

Emma said...

Oh, this looks so cool^^

tiffstitch said...

Wow! You really progressed on Charizard. Excellent work!

Fiona said...

looking fab well done!! btw I've given you an award, check my blog for more info!

Anonymous said...


I found your blog through Daffycat's blog.

Your WIP looks amazing!